Why should we meal prep?

We see meal prepping has been all the rage for the last 10 years or so, but why from a nutritional perspective should we look to start meal prepping?

“By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail” - Benjamin Franklin

Quite a harsh phrase isn’t it? But when you think about it. If you go into your general work and family week without a plan of what needs to be done, it can turn into a nightmare! Appointments can be forgotten. Deadlines at work can be missed. Kids sports don’t happen. So if we plan all our schedules for our busy lives, why not also plan for nutritious meals to get through the week?

With all that life throws at us these days, the last thing you want to do is get home late from work or kids sport and order a greasy pizza and garlic bread! Not only will this leave you feeling bloated and usually unsatisfied, but there also won’t be any leftovers for lunch the next day, so then the cycle occurs again with some other takeaway option. 

Meal prepping on the weekends (or whatever day you have extra time available) offers numerous benefits that can enhance your overall well-being, save time, and support a healthier lifestyle. Here are my key reasons to consider a new habit in meal prepping:

  1. Time Efficiency:

    • Weekday Convenience: By preparing meals in advance, you free up time during the busy weekdays. Instead of cooking daily, you can simply reheat pre-prepared meals, which is much quicker.

    • Batch Cooking: Cooking multiple meals at once is more efficient than preparing single meals multiple times a day.

  2. Health Benefits:

    • Portioning: Prepping meals allows you to portion your food accurately, helping to fuel efficiently and maintain a balanced diet.

    • Nutritional Balance: Planning meals ahead ensures you include a variety of food groups and nutrients, promoting more variety in your diet.

  3. Cost Savings:

    • Bulk Buying: Purchasing ingredients in bulk for meal prep can be cheaper than buying smaller quantities frequently.

    • Reduced Impulse Buying: With a meal plan in place, you're less likely to make impulsive, potentially unhealthy and expensive, food purchases.

  4. Reduced Stress:

    • Decision Fatigue: Deciding what to eat every day can be stressful. Meal prepping reduces the number of decisions you need to make about food.

    • Consistency: Having meals ready means you’re less likely to skip meals or opt for unhealthy fast food.

  5. Waste Reduction:

    • Planned Usage: By planning your meals and shopping with a list, you buy only what you need, which reduces food waste.

  6. Variety and Creativity:

    • Try New Recipes: Meal prepping gives you the opportunity to experiment with new recipes and incorporate a variety of foods into your diet.

    • Seasonal Eating: You can plan meals based on seasonal produce, which can be fresher and more affordable.

  7. Support for Fitness Goals:

    • Macronutrient Goals: If you have specific fitness goals, meal prepping helps ensure your meals are aligned with your macronutrient requirements.

    • Consistent Fuel: Pre-prepared meals ensure you’re consistently fueling your body, which is crucial for maintaining energy levels and muscle recovery.

By dedicating a few hours on the weekend to meal prep, you can enjoy these benefits throughout the week, leading to a healthier, more organised, and less stressful lifestyle. 

If you need advice on meal planning and prepping for yourself or your family and aren’t sure where to start, book a consultation and we go through options to suit all budgets, needs and demographics. Meal prepping can be lots of fun and very rewarding with the right plan in place.


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